Thursday, July 8, 2010

girl scouts!

girl scout sleepover

We had a great time in girlscouts this year! The girls got to go rollerskating, bowling, to a water park, horseback riding, have a sleepover, and kaelyn and abby went to camp for 3 days. It's been a rewarding experience for me. At our sleepover the girls ate pizza, played games, dressed up, had a pillow fight, and wrapped up the night with movies and popcorn.

Horseback riding was a lot of fun for the girls. Most of the girls (2nd grade and up) were able to steer the horse on their own. Kaelyn did a great job getting her horse to weave between the cones. I led abby's horse for her, but she is excited about doing it on her own next year.

horseback riding at camp conestoga

kaelyn rode her horse all by herself!

girlscout camp!
The girls each spent 3 days and two nights at camp lkeeta. Abby had a bit of rain on her stay, so she didn't have as much fun as she hoped :( Kaelyn had great weather. She got to go swimming, horseback riding, do crafts, and cook over the campfire!

kaelyn slept in a tent

our troop...back: Heather, Hailey,Kaelyn,Abby,Hannah,Sierra,Jacey, Me. front:(Miya) Alice, Lela,Cassie,Taylor,Alanie, and Kierrah!!