on thanksgiving we spent the afternoon at my mom's and enjoyed some yummy turkey, then endured the dreaded annual christmas photo. a charade of 6 people trying to get 6 kids to smile and look at the camera simotaniously! after some delicious pie, we headed to john's parent's house where we enjoyed some warm chilli and yummy grilled cheese. we left the kids there and headed back to cedar rapids to stand in line at toys r us in the cold for 2 1/2 hours. sadly we still did not get the xbox we wanted. we did score some awesome deals on toys though! John headed home and the shopping continued with my mom and sisters at walmart, where we got kaelyn a sewing machine and myself a point and click camera and a printer. my mom scored a ds for $89 for my niece. after that we headed to old navy, the line to check out was 3 hours long, so we hid our finds in the clearance isle behind some clothes, went to perkins, ate breakfast, then went back to retrieve our items and wait in a shorter faster line! from there it was gordmans, k-mart, then home for some much needed sleep. my head hit the pillow at 1pm friday after 30 hours awake, and it felt good!
Even reading about your shopping makes me tired!